
Through practice and training the various exercises, we aspire to internalize the following 5 qualities:

  1. External
  2. Internal
  3. Mobilization
  4. Techniques
  5. Mind

Class Training Syllabus

The below sequence of exercises followed during class helps in internalizing all 5 of the above qualities.

Warm up (30 minutes)

Consists of specially designed exercises to strengthen the tendons, develop unique but efficient ways of moving the body, bring awareness to parts of the body we don’t typically use and more.

Exercises can consist of drills that look like punching and kicking on the surface but contain much more.

  1. Structure exercises with mitts (zenkutsu-dachi, jigotai, shizentai)
  2. Kicking exercises with mitts (various)
Solo Exercises (Tanren) (15–30 minutes)

Where the above warm-ups get our minds and bodies ready to develop all 5 qualities, these set exercises help us to tax and push our limits.

They increase our mobility, allow us to independently operate joints and muscles we never knew we had, but knit the body together in a unified manner you might never realize was possible.

  1. Standing, walking, sitting
  2. shiko (standard, variations)
  3. mabu (standard, variations)
  4. tenchijin (standard, variations)
  5. tenchi-wake
  6. tenchi-ko (6 variations)
  7. jujiko (ashi-age, spinning, kicking variations)
  8. shintaijiku (standing, kneeling, twisting, walking variations)
  9. breathing
Partner Training (30 minutes)
  1. Partner walking (mabu, striking, punch against resistance variations)
  2. gotai (horizontal, vertical variations)
  3. pushout
  4. agete and sagete
  5. Partner shintaijku
Staff Training (30 minutes)

Note: staff  training only takes place once a month in a special venue; the usual training venue is too confined to allow staff work. However, it is an important part of solo training and must not be neglected.

  1. tsuki (in, yo, tenchi variations)
  2. swinging (side, vertical, figure of eight variations)
  3. mawashi (circling)
  4. kawashi (avoidance)
Partner Staff Training (30 minutes)

Note: staff  training only takes place once a month in a special venue; the usual training venue is too confined to allow staff work. However, it is an important part of solo training and must not be neglected.

  1. tsuki (transfer of power)
  2. kuzushi (unbalancing)
  3. kawashi (avoidance)
Movement Training (30 minutes)
  1. tsuki and swinging
  2. tsuki on movement (same-side, opposite-side, tenchi, 3-punch)
  3. use of legs (kicking, transition/stepping)
  4. sesshoku and sabaki (sticking, absorbing, rebounding)
Techniques & Application (30–45 minutes)
  1. Use of juji (application of contact)
  2. Application of unbalancing (kuzushi)
  3. Use of goju
  4. free sparring (unbalancing, attack and defence)
  5. Defence against weapons (knife, tanto)