After a hiatus of 3 years owing to Covid-19, seminar as France could finally restart from april this year.
2023-04-20 Akuzawa sensei shortly after arrival in France, at Manabu Watanabe hanshi‘s training venue.

2023-04-22/28 Lyon: Black Belt Seminar & Intensive Seminar

2023-04-30/31 Paris: Master Class & Open Seminar

Apart from the above seminar, Akuzawa sensei also gave several private classes, and made time for some sightseeing.
The entire trip’s schedule was extremely tight with little time for relaxation, but happily achieved the primary objective of allowing students to meet with and feel Akuzawa sensei inthe flesh once again, leading to many happy faces, including also Akuzawa sensei who was delighted to be among his students once again.
Planning is underway for a repeat seminar trip in the coming year.